Documentation Questions to Answer:
- What is the control?
- What is the control objective?
- Why is the control important? Give the control a broader context and describe how the task contributes to organizational goals.
- Any guidelines, specifications or constraints related to this control?
- Any deadlines or specific timelines which the control should be implemented or the control objective achieved?
- When should this control be applied? Is there a trigger? A time of day? Upon a certain transaction?
- Any quality standards?
- Any budget limitations or cost considerations?
- Does this control impact profitability or other financial goals?
- Any specific tools or technology needed?
- Who is responsible for achieving the control objective?
- Any specific skill sets necessary to achieve the control objective?
- Any other specific resources necessary?
- What are the expected outcomes? Or what does success look like?
- Any related deliverables that would evidence the achievement of the control objective or implementation of the control?
- Any related KPI or performance measures? Consider the whole family of performance metrics including input, process, output and outcome metrics.
- Which component of the COSO model is addressed?
- Are there any challenges or obstacles to achieving the control objective? What are strategies to mitigate these challenges or overcome these obstacles?
- Are there any dependencies or collaborations required to achieve the control objective?
- Is this a key control? In other words, does it take priority over other controls?
- Are there any special instructions or preferences?
- How are these expectations communicated to responsible parties and stakeholders?
- How often will this control be evaluated and improved?
- Any consequences for not implementing this control? Any rewards for achievement of the control objective?
- What are exceptions to this control? Under which circumstances should it be bypassed?
- Any supporting documentation necessary to illustrate the control more clearly?
- What are the definitions of terms and acronyms?
- What are the feedback mechanisms for this control and control objective? How are unintended consequences considered and addressed?