Happy Holidays! 2022 has been another wild ride, but at least we can get a few hugs from loved ones this holiday. Woo hoo!
As things are winding down and you’re looking into 2023, this is the best time to plan your CPE for the coming year before other responsibilities fill up your calendar.
But might you be a little confused about Yellow Book CPE rules? Join the club! Maybe this short video will help!
If you prefer to read about Yellow Book CPE rules instead, please see this blog post.
Round out your CPE hours
Are you a little short of hours for this CPE cycle? Here are some fun, short self-study courses you might enjoy to complete your hours this year:
The Little Book of Government Fraud
Audit Interview Tips and Client Relationship Builders
Single Audit Primer Video Course
Need lots of hours?
If you need more hours because you can’t believe how quickly this year flew by – and I’ll join that club! – please check out one of these bundles of courses. Each focuses on one topic area but present the material in both text and video formats, often including the perspectives of more than one instructor!
The Performance Audit Essentials Bundle
The Yellow Book Standards for Performance Auditors Bundle
The Yellow Book Standards for Financial Auditors Bundle
The Creating a Productive Auditor & Auditee Relationship Bundle
Can’t decide? Why not get it all?
If you see a little bit here and a little bit there that interests you, why not treat yourself and your colleagues and get all 155 hours at a deeply discounted price!
We wish you the absolute best!
Everyone at Yellowbook-CPE.com – Leita, Chelsea, Dayton, Margo, Kaira, Kim and Puggers – wish you the absolute best this holiday season and look forward to working with you in 2023!